Emily Ingalls Photography | Austin and Round Rock Photographer

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Creating your own Brand

Whether you have a large business or a small one, creating your own branding is important. You want your branding to reflect who you are, what your business stands for, and what custoomers you are trying to attract and target. Most people think of branding as just a logo and colors, but there is so much more to it! It’s the overall feel of your company. It’s the photos you display. It’s the mood and vibe you are trying to create. It’s the sense of who you are, essentially.

Look at some of the websites you shop at. What about that particular site attracts you to the company? Is it the quiet confidence? Is it simplistic? Whimisical? Strength and resiliance? Timeless and elegant? Companies, big and small, spend hundreds of man hours intentiionally creating the mood and moto the want to display.

And you should too!

Your website should be a reflection of you and your business!

As a photographer, it’s my job to take your vision and bring it to life through pictures. Branding photos are a great way to protraying yourself and your business to the world.

Interested in a branding photo session? Contact me at emily@emilyingallsphotography.com to discuss your needs and how I can help you!