Strength comes from Within

As much as I want to eye roll every time I hear some cliché quote or statement, I have to admit most of the time they are true.  Which is probably why I want to eye roll because I don't want to hear the truth.  Let's admit it.  The truth sucks sometimes.

Truths are hard to hear.  No one wants to admit when they are wrong or when someone else has a great insight you've personally overlooked.  Especially when it comes to truths about yourself.

I had a few hard truths thrown at me lately.  Nothing bad, but enough to make me take a step back and ask myself some hard questions.

Am I truly doing what I want?  Is this where I want to go?  Why am I fighting my true wants over what everyone expects me to do?  Why am I standing in my own way?  Why am I allowing fear to hold me back from what I really want to do?

And that's just a start.

I won't go into the details 1) because I'm not ready and 2) I'm needing to really sit down with myself and be true to me when answering those and many questions.

As my title says, strength comes from within.  I need to be strong enough to figure out life's questions.  I need to break out of my comfort zone in order to build the inner strength I need to pursue my heart's true desire.  I need to be me.

Here's to new beginnings.  Having strength and realizing I need to stop holding myself back.  Allowing my outer strength to seep in and dragging my confidence out to shine.  Being bold and courageous.  And facing challenges head on.

Emily Ingalls1 Comment