4 Tips for have a Successful Family Mini-Session

That time of year is right around the corner!

Family Mini-Session Photos!

With everything going on this year, it almost seems surreal that Fall is right around the corner. First the year was dragging, then next thing I know, school is in session and fall is almost upon on us!

Mini-sessions are usually 10-15 minutes, which means they’re short. We call them mini-session for a reason ;)
In order to be prepared for your family mini-sessions, I’ve put together a few tips for you.

  1. You only have the time allotted to you.
    Mini-sessions are great because they’re short and sweet. I love to take some quick photos for my clients so they have them for memories, holiday cards, and whatever else they need them for! But mini-sessions are short, so plan accordingly. If you want any specific photographs, please tell me! I want to make sure you get what you need out of your mini-session. I can’t go over time because I have other sessions booked back-to-back, so let’s make sure I capture what you want.

  2. Show up early.
    This goes back to having a small amount of allotted time. Showing up early takes the pressure off and helps everyone get into a good frame of mind to knock out your family photos beautifully!

  3. If you have kids, bribery is always an option.
    Having four children myself, I know kids are not always in the mood to smile for the camera. My kids definitively have photographer’s kids syndrome which makes them even less cooperative at times. However, bribery usually works with them. Bring a small non-messy snack or promise them they’re favorite treat after the photo session. It’s always a good idea to have something in your back pocket just in case no one wants to smile or cooperate.

  4. Have fun!
    Don’t let a family photo shoot stress you out! You’ll always remember the stories behind the pictures, and they will usually be funny and a lot of fun! Imagine in 10 years when your now 16 year old wouldn’t smile because they were going through ‘a phase’. It doesn’t seem funny at the time, but I know in 10 years, you’ll think it’s hilarious. Just have fun and let me be the silly goofy person. I know you’ll end up with photos you love!

Fall Mini-Sessions are in the works! With school being virtual and Covid-19, it delayed my planning a bit. Now that I’m in a little be better routine, I’m working diligently to bring you beautiful Fall Mini-Sessions. Keep an eye out on my blog and email newsletter for more information!

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