When is a Mini-Session not a good fit for your family? | Austin and Round Rock Family Photographer

It’s Fall! It might still feel like summer at times, but the leaves are slowly changing and falling on the ground. It’s going to be beautiful in Round Rock and Austin within the next few weeks!

I’m in full on busy season mode! My calendar is quickly filling up, and I’ve decided to not take on as many photo shoots as I have in years past to spend a bit more time with my family an be a little less stressed. See, I’m a perfectionist. Which is not necessarily a bad thing but it can be. However, my perfectionist tendency means me working longer hours and not spending quality time with my family. It’s one of the reasons I limited my mini-sessions this year.

Speaking of Mini-Sessions…

Mini-sessions are great!

But they are not a one size fits all for every family.

When would a Mini-Session not be a good fit for your family?

  1. If you have really young children.
    Young kids are wonderful! I love them! But we also know they aren’t always willing to cooperate when we need them to. They’re just on their own time and want to do things on their terms. It’s not bad; it’s just nature. If you have little ones who have a tendency to not cooperate all the time, a Mini-session probably won’t be a good fit. I’d want more time to talk to them and get to know them, so I would really be able to capture their personalities. This takes longer, so a good fit might be a regular session for your family.

  2. You have shy kids that need time to warm up to strangers.
    I was a shy kid. I used to give strangers the stink eye (as my Mom would call it). A shy child usually needs time to warm up to strangers and photographers. This is normal, but a 10 minute mini-session probably won’t cut it. I would consider a longer photo session to give your child a good amount of time to warm up and be comfortable around me.

  3. You want a lot of photos and a good variety.
    Unfortunately, Mini-Sessions aren’t great for having a variety of photos. It’s just the nature of the Mini-Session beast. With a small time frame, I want to ensure I capture your whole family, but I’m not always able to get a huge variety for you. If you want a much wider variety to choose from, a regular photo session might be for you.

If none of these apply to you, great! Book your mini-session today, and let’s shoot your family photos!

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